Церква Святої Параскеви у Радружі

Church of St. Paraskeva, Radruzh

Православна церква святої Параскеви в Радружі належить до групи найцінніших дерев'яних церков на польсько-українському кордоні. Вона внесена до Списку світової спадщини ЮНЕСКО в 2013 році.

The Orthodox Church of St. Paraskeva in Radruzh belongs to the group of the most valuable wooden churches on the Polish-Ukrainian border. It was entered into the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2013 and into the List of Historic Monuments of Poland in 2017. The origins of this building date back to the end of the 16th century, and along with its belfry, the wall with two gates and three cemeteries, it constitutes a larger complex that once had a defensive use.