Церква Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці в Ковалівці

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Kovaliovka

Найдавнішими частинами храму є святиня та притвор, які були побудовані в 1813 році. На даний час ця православна церква використовується як каплиця в межах римо-католицької парафії в Чешануві.

The Orthodox Church in Kovaliovka probably dates back to the beginning of the 17th century. However, it was reconstructed several times in the course of subsequent centuries, and this resulted in the creation of a large temple, which is perfectly integrated into the landscape of the village. The oldest sections of the temple are the sanctuary and the narthex, which were constructed in 1813. Currently, this orthodox church is used as a chapel within the Roman Catholic parish in Cheshanuv.